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Introducing Stevi's Inspirations Newletter

Hello and welcome to the first edition of my newsletter.

I am a self-employed artist and I am also a wife, mother and "Nana". I have been drawing and painting since I was a young girl. It was a way for me to try and express myself and use all the pretty paint in the art sets or coloring books that I received as gifts. Drawing and painting was also a way for a little girl to keep herself occupied so she didn't end up in big trouble. I was raised at a time when people still made a lot of things for themselves and their families. They gardened so they could have their own food, they canned foods so they knew what and how it was prepared, plus, it was considered to be economical. Homemakers were taught to make their own home decor, after all, our mothers were raised during the depression and they had to be creative out of necessity. I learned to knit, crochet and embroider and cross stitch, and weave. Heck, they still taught "Home Economics" in high school. There are a lot of courses I think should be a part of required curriculum, but that's a whole other newsletter. Growing up at a time when there were still a lot of single income families showed me what networking was. Moms traded babysitting dates, and passed clothing back and forth, and shared the latest casserole recipes. Now our children think of it in a whole different way and they sign up for "Linked In". How smart was the person that came up with that one?! I am a right brained person with simple ideas and yet I like to research my ideas and have tons of reference photos to use when I am drawing up a sketch for a painting. I work mainly from these photos and I have gotten better at taking my own. Again, I have to refer to all the self-help, how - to, "take better photos", "be a better", etc, articles I have read. I realized there comes a time when you have to jump off that ship and take off on your own... At least in my case... I had to, because I was overwhelming my creative ideas with way too much schtuff and really needed to "Just Do It". I may not be the fastest or the smartest, but I am honest. I could keep writing and add to the issues I've brought up in this newsletter, but then that may give you all the clues to just how old I really am. I will close now and I will be working on a few commission pieces until my next newsletter article comes out. Stay tuned for progress photos of my next painting and thanks for stopping by.

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